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Camuffo.etal:1983 Camuffo, Dario; Del Monte, Marco; Sabbioni, Cristina (1983): Origin and growth mechanisms of the sulfated crusts on urban limestone. In: Water Air Soil Pollution, (19), 351-359
Camuffo.etal:1988 Camuffo, Dario; Bernardi, Adriana (1988): Microclimate-induced weathering on the Sistine Chapel. In: European cultural heritage, 2 (1), 36-42
Camuffo.etal:1991 Camuffo, Dario; Bernardi, Adriana (1991): Analisi microclimatica al cenacolo vinciano = The microclimate of Leonardo's 'Last Supper",. In: Bollettino Geofisico, 14 (3), 1-75
Camuffo:1983 Camuffo, Dario (1983): Condensation-evaporation cycles in pore and capillary systems according to the kelvin model. In: Water, air and soil pollution, 19 (), 3961-39610
Camuffo:1983a Camuffo, Dario (1983): Indoor dynamic climatology: investigations on the interactions between walls and indoor environment. In: Atmospheric Environment, 17 (9), 1803-1809
Camuffo:1984 Camuffo, Dario (1984): Condensation-evaporation cycles in pore and capillary systems according to the Kelvin model. In: Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, (21), 151-159
Camuffo:1986 Camuffo, Dario (1986): Deterioration processes of historical monuments. In: Acidification and its policy implications, 30 (), 189-221
Camuffo:1989 Camuffo, Dario (1989): Pollution, acid rain and decay of monuments (Inquinamento, piogge acide e degrado dei monumenti [Italian]). In: Rassegna dei Beni Culturali, 5 (1), 28-31
Camuffo:1990 Camuffo, Dario (1990): Acidic precipitation research in Italy. In: Bresser, A. H. M.; Salomons, W. (Hrsg.): Acid Precipitation, Vol. 5, Internatioonal Overview ans Assessment, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 229-265.
Camuffo:1997 Camuffo, Dario (1997): The role of climate on stone weathering. In: Zezza, Fulvio (Hrsg.): Origin, mechanisms and effects of salts on degradation of monuments in marine and continental environments, Tecnomack, 155-165.